
Practically from the beginning of the Congregation’s existence, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth have been engaged in healthcare. In 1894, in order to care for the needs of immigrants in Chicago, they began Holy Family Hospital. Later the hospital changed location and was renamed St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital.
As the Congregation in America expanded, the Sisters pursued education in healthcare and took on more hospital facilities to provide compassionate and caring service for anyone in need. Through the years, Sisters continued to be engaged in various areas of healthcare and presently minister as hospital chaplains, nurses, therapists, and lab technicians, all attending to the sick, the elderly and the infirm.
On Polish soil, our first healthcare services were offered in the hospital in Wadowice beginning in 1897. Today you can meet Nazareth Sisters serving as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, and care takers in many institutions run by our Congregation or the country of Poland.
In the United States, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth are closely linked with two large health systems: Presence Health and Christus Health. The hospitals and other healthcare facilities originally founded by our Sisters in and around Chicago, including St. Mary’s Hospital, Holy Family Medical Center and Nazarethville Nursing Home are now a part of Presence Health, which is composed of 11 hospitals and 27 long-term care and senior-living facilities. In Tyler, Texas, Trinity Mother Frances Hospital has become a part of Christus Health, of which we are now one of the sponsoring Institutions. This health system includes more than 40 hospitals and facilities in seven U.S. states, as well as in Chile, Colombia and Mexico.
In every province of the Congregation, one can meet Nazareth Sisters offering compassionate care and assistance.