O most Blessed Trinity, we praise and thank you for the example of Blessed Mary Stella and her Ten Companions, Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, who by imitating Jesus Christ, offered themselves as a sacrifice of love for others.
God of mercy and compassion, through the merits of their martyrdom and by their intercession, grant us the grace we humbly ask…, so that like them, we may witness with our lives to the presence of the Kingdom of God’s Love and extend it to the human family throughout the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Blessed Martyred Sisters of Nowogrodek, Pray for us.

Litany of blessed Maria Stella and 10 Companions
Blessed Mary of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Stella and Companions, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, taking on the pattern of life of the Holy Family, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, hidden and meek servants of God, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, humble in service to God and His people, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, Apostles of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, King of Universe, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, devoted to teaching and raising children and youth, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, ministering in the parish church of Nowogrodek , pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, living in dedicated and sisterly love, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, deriving a spirit of unity and faith from Eucharist, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, endowed and sanctified with the grace of martyrdom, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, sealing with their blood Nazareth’s charism of service to the family, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, exalted by the sacrifice of life for the family and priests, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, united by faith in life and martyrdom, pray for us,
Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, giving witness to the greatest love, which sacrifices its life, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Stella, completely for others, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Imelda, immersed in God during prayer, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Rajmunda, faithful to the rule and devoted to the Congregation, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Daniela, with a great and serving heart, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Kanuta, following God’s will, announced as the red dress of martyrdom, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Sergia, always smiling, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Gwidona, living diligently and in self- sacrifice, “because such is necessary”, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Felicyta, hidden in the shadow of Cross, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Heliodora, witness of faith, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Kanizja, loving the Eucharistic Jesus and having the soul of child, pray for us,
Blessed Sister Boromea, faithful to the grace of vocation, pray for us,
P. Blessed Nazareth Sisters of Nowogrodek, whose martyr’s sacrifice is a precious heritage of Christ’s Church and the Congregation.
W. Pray for us.
Let us pray
Almighty God, Your Son Jesus Christ, founded the Church on the foundation of the Martyrs, in order to continually proclaim Your glory, we ask, please allow us to endure in faith, the profession of which is our pride. Through Christ our Lord.
W. Amen.