Sr. Mary Daniela (Eleonora Jóźwik)
of Jesus and Mary Immaculate, 1895-1943

She was born January 25, 1895 in Poizdowo in the Podlasie region under Russian rule. Eleonora did not attend school beyond a three-month evening course. She helped her parents with household and farm duties. Eleonora was accepted to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth in January of 1920. Due to the Polish-Bolshevik war she was a postulant for an entire year and a half which in turn shortened her novitiate in Grodno from July, 1921 to February, 1923. After her first vows she spent time in Lviv working in the laundry, kitchen, and cleaning at the school. She took her perpetual vows in Grodno in 1929, after which she left for Kalisz where she served guests and visitors. In September of 1932 she arrived in Nowogrodek, where she again served guests and also took care of the sisters’ dining room and the school kitchen. In Sister Daniela’s life silence, obedience to rules, and obedience to her superiors, all played an equally important role. At the beginning of the occupation Sister Daniela, who was not physically strong, contributed by selling goods to the public. However, after correspondence exchanged between Mother Fides Tomkowicz, superior of the Vilnius convent, Sister Daniela discontinued these activities. She took on lighter handiwork: weaving and tricot knitting, as well as serving as the Chaplain’s attendant.