Several thousand kilometers away on a different continent, in a different country, different…

And the first impression may be just this: everything is really different, different from what I was used to.

But God is unchanging and His presence in the Word and the Eucharist is unchanged. He knows no boundaries or distances. And it is in HIM that I also find the same Nazareth here.

Maybe that is why, despite the “otherness” that surrounds me, I primarily experience being at home and the ordinary life of a Nazareth community. I am simply HOME, one of the many homes scattered around the world 😊.

From the very beginning, I was captivated by the great kindness, openness and simplicity with which I was welcomed by the local inhabitants. Hence the wish of our parish priest: “Feel at home in Ghana” came true after only a few days…

Sr. Vianeya