The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than a month. The Sisters say they are no longer reacting to the anti-aircraft alarms, they are already beginning to sleep at the explosions, although the tensions of the constant threat and the stressful situation, which drags on for weeks, continue. Sometimes it is very difficult for them to fall asleep and sleep peacefully. Nevertheless, the life of our communities goes on “normally” as for the war conditions.
Sr. Ola from Kyiv writes about daily life and upcoming plans:
Don’t worry, I’m eating lunch now, it’s quiet outside the window, today we had a recreation for all our residents: we played games and watched the movie “The Call of the Ancestors”.
And during the day there were many people at the Eucharist, after which there was a practical first aid lesson given by a military doctor (you can see in the photo), almost all the parishioners stayed, they asked very important questions.
In Kiev, we are all alive and well. Slowly but surely our sense of humor and spontaneity in behavior are returning – very valuable and useful gifts in a closed bunker. As of Monday, we already have a common plan for our “military community” of 6 people. Every day we will have a common Morning Prayer and 2 community meetings: sharing the Word of God and spiritual reading with discussion on church documents. We also have daily adoration, each Sister has her own specific time. And in the evenings we meet every second day…
Therefore, don’t worry. All is well with us in our situation.
In this uncertainty and instability, it is important to organize life, to create a life schedule, a framework that will allow us to function. Sisters do this by strengthening the bonds in the community through communal prayer, faith sharing, and mutual help. Being in a community allows them to serve the people who come, be a support to them, help them spiritually, materially, and create a real home for them where they can rest.
As we remember our Sisters, let us continue to pray for peace and join in the work for peace and reconciliation as much as we can in the places where God has placed us now.